Pre-heat the oven to 170 °C, bake setting.
Add the teiti (dates) and wai (water) to a bowl. Heat in the microwave for 1 minute or in a small pot for a few minutes until the teiti (dates) are soft.
Mash the soft teiti (dates) until they are smooth. Stir in the wanira (vanilla). Add the pēkana houra (baking soda) and watch the dates grow. Leave to the side to cool slightly.
Add the pata kūteretere (softened butter), huka kokonati (coconut sugar) and tote (salt) to a large bowl. Whip it on high for a few minutes until light and fluffy.
Add in the pata nati (nut butter) and hēki (egg). Whip well until it all comes together.
Add the peru oneone (ground almonds), kokonati pūtī (desiccated coconut), ōti (oats), raukikini whakaauruuru (mixed spice), puehu kānga (cornflour) and pēkana paura (baking powder). Mix it all up.
Add in the slightly cooled date mix and mix well.
Roll the mixture in to 20 balls and place them on a large baking tray. Press each pihikete (biscuit) down with the palm of your hand.
Add the tiakarete (chocolate) on the top of each one. Bake for 10 minutes until golden.
If you want to, add dollops of pata nati (nut butter) on top of the freshly baked pihikete (biscuit) or keep them plain. It is time to put the kettle on and enjoy the delicious fruits of your labour!