Add the wai wera (hot water), miraka (milk) and huka hāura (brown sugar) in to a large bowl. Stir it all together until the sugar is dissolved.
Stir in the īhi tere (instant yeast) and allow to activate for five minutes until foamy.
Add in the hēki (eggs), puehu parāoa (flour) and tote (salt). Whakaranuhia - mix it all together to combine. Once you have a shaggy dough, it is time to knead it.
Knead until the dough comes together. You can do this for 4 minutes by hand or in a mixer with a dough hook for 3 minutes.
Then if you kneading by hand, spread out the dough and dot on the pata kūteretere (softened butter). Knead for 10 minutes. If you are using a mixer, add in the pata (butter) in one go and knead it for 8 minutes.
The dough is quite sticky but try not to add extra flour. It should be soft and stretchy!
Form the dough in to a ball, place in a bowl and cover. Leave for 1 1/2 - 2 hours or until it has doubled in size.
Cut the dough into four equal portions. I weigh mine for accuracy but you can just eye ball it if you want to. Roll each portion into a 30 cm rope.
Arrange the the pieces side by side. Pinch the four ends together.
Take the fourth strand (on the right) and weave it over and under the others strand until it lands on the other side. With each weave, I add a little pieces of cheese, make sure it is hidden in the dough so it oozes in the bread as it bakes.
Repeat this process until all the dough is braided, always taking the strand from the right hand side and weaving it under and over all the other pieces. Don't forget the cheese (if you are using it).
Tuck both of the ends in so you have a nice shape and place it on to a well oiled tray. Cover with a tea towel and rise for 50 - 60 minutes.
10 minutes before the bread has finished rising, preheat the oven to 180 °C.