Add around ⅓ C of the pani reka (buttercream and spread it over the top of the keke (cake). Once smooth, pipe a border around the edge. If you don't have a piping bag, just add small blobs of buttercream around the edge of the cake and use a spoon to create a border. This helps keep the filling in.
Add the pata hānati tiakarete (chocolate hazelnut spread) and spread it out to the edges of the border.
Drain the juice off the poihanapere (boysenberries) and add the berries on to the pata hānati tiakarete (chocolate hazelnut spread). I use around ¾ C of berries.
Add the second keke (cake) on top and press it down gently. Continue to spread the pani reka (buttercream) on top of the keke (cake) and down the sides. Make sure to take the time to smooth it out. Reserve ¼ C of the buttercream to pipe on top as anchors for the Forerro Rocher. Place 8 whole Forerro Rocher around the edge of the cake on top of the piped buttercream. Cut the rest in half and add them in between the whole ones.
As an option, sprinkle with a handful of extra kongakonga hānati (hazelnut crumb). Kua rite te keke - the cake is ready.
This will keep in a well sealed container in a cool place for a few days. I don't like to keep my keke (cakes) in the pouaka mātao (refrigerator) but if you do, make sure you remove the cake from the fridge an hour before serving to give it time to come back to room temperature.